From Honolulu Studio we wondered how we could help with our creativity to a solidarity project, and we came up with nothing better than to dedicate it to women in their fight against breast cancer.
Thus was born VITATETA, an initiative that will donate all the benefits of VITATETA products to Teta&teta, an association that is getting much movement with great initiatives.

Three illustrated postcards designed exclusively for VITATETA
Fun earring designs that seek to socially support mastectomy patients

80% of the price of each product went to the association, being the remaining 20% for materials and production. All the design, work, and time are part of the donation.
in total, we have achieved...
And it's all thanks to you, to your purchases, and your trust and support shown with the project. I couldn't be happier.
Shall we make another one?
Total purchases (discounting shipping costs)
Percentage of production costs